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The i10-index is a Google Scholar metric. It indicates the number of  3 Sep 2019 H-index scores between 3 and 5 seem common for new assistant professors, scores between 8 and 12 fairly standard for promotion to the  i10-Index = the number of publications with at least 10 citations. This very simple measure is only used by Google Scholar, and is another way to help gauge the  Those false entries alone inflated the total i10-index from 282 to 290. In an age where the element of “fake” is causing considerable consternation for academics   i10-index means the total number of publications with at least 10 citations each.

What is h index and i10 index

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h index corresponds to a scientist's h of his/her N papers that have been cited at least h times each, while the rest of the N papers have less than h citations each. i10 index refers to the number The h-index and the i10-index are metrics for measuring the impact of a scholar on the larger academic discussion. We are all familiar with weighting search results by citation count, a method of ranking that assigns greater authority to results cited most frequently in other articles. H - Index = how many of your papers have been cited this number (for example, from all of your papers you have at least 5 that have been cited 5 times each = your H-index is 5). i10 - Index = how total citations and total papers in a two-year span, the h-index is simply a count of the largest number of papers (h ) from a journal or author that have at least (h ) num ber of citations. For example, Webology has an h-index of 21 based on Google Scholar which indicates that the journal has published 21 papers with at least 21 citations (s ee Table 1).

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For example, Webology has an h-index of 21 based on Google Scholar which indicates that the journal has published 21 papers with at least 21 citations (s ee Table 1). 2020-12-09 · i10-Index = the number of publications with at least 10 citations.

What is h index and i10 index

Publications - Jari Häkkinen [publications] [reports] [thesis

Co-authors. Zitate, 191, 123. h-index, 3, 2. i10-index, 2, 2 Kvalitet och publikationsdatabaser.

What is h index and i10 index

Currently in many institutes, total number of citations, h-index, i10-index and also in-house repositories are being maintained using DSpace impact factor of journals of all faculties, and then compile or E-Print Open Source Softwares. Many universities in it to calculate the cumulative research metrics. RESEARCH PRODUCTIVITY: h-INDEX AND i10-INDEX OF ACADEMICS IN NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES Kpolovie, P. J. and Onoshagbegbe, E. S. Academic Planning, Research and Control Unit; Vice-Chancellor’s Office; University of Port Harcourt. ABSTRACT: This study examined the research productivity of academic staff of Nigerian universities. Although the h-index currently has one additional derivative index, the i10-index, which is a measure of the number of publications with 10 or more citations, the i10-index is clearly not a sufficient differentiating factor for academics with very high citation counts such as HCRs. Beside the classic h-index, Google also reports an i10-index along with the h-index. The i10-index is a simple measurement which shows how many of the author's papers have 10 or more citations.
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ABSTRACT: This study examined the research productivity of academic staff of Nigerian universities. Although the h-index currently has one additional derivative index, the i10-index, which is a measure of the number of publications with 10 or more citations, the i10-index is clearly not a sufficient differentiating factor for academics with very high citation counts such as HCRs. Beside the classic h-index, Google also reports an i10-index along with the h-index. The i10-index is a simple measurement which shows how many of the author's papers have 10 or more citations. Google Scholar profile for Stephen Hawking.

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‪Bertil Westerlund‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

i10 is only used on Google Scholar, and can be remembered by its name: it is the number of articles that an author has that have 10 citations or more Key words: Citation index, i10-index, h-index, Google Scholar, cumulative citations, higher education, rankings, accreditation, Criteria III, research. INTRODUCTION In India, in the last decade, the numbers of universities on 30.04.17), and 602 autonomous colleges, 150 and colleges have increased significantly.