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Hagströmer Library Mini Tours: Lungs and Epidemics - KI Campus

Directions to the Hagströmer Library . The Hagströmer Library is a part of Karolinska Institutet. It is located in Haga Courthouse (Haga tingshus) a . yellow art nouveau building between the E4 motorway . and Hagaparken in Solna / northern Stockholm. The .

Hagströmer library

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More details of this on request. Responses to our live online tours: "We have received a completely positive response to the tour of the Hagströmer" Guided tours of Hagströmer Library are free. Registration is required. Each tour will have a special theme.

B IBLIOGRAPHY AB - Karger Publishers

Beginning in the spring with an exhibition of illustrations in books and prints within the library's own collections, featuring some of art history's most famous figures, created by our curator Anna Lantz. Karolinska Institutet has been an important actor for Swedish and international medicine and science for 200 years, and the cultural heritage of KI is rich and diverse. Below you will find information about KI history, our historical collections, the Hagströmer Library and the Medical History and Heritage at KI. Welcome! Anna Lantz om The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library.

Hagströmer library

The Hagströmer Medico Historical Library -

and Hagaparken in Solna / northern Stockholm. The . street address is Annerovägen 12.

Hagströmer library

Albert J. Menkveld ( is with Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and Tinbergen Institute. We thank Stefan Nagel (the Editor), an anonymous associate editor, and three anonymous referees for many helpful comments. Hagströmer has funded purchases of notable works on medical history and enabled employment of staff with expert knowledge. Furthermore, he has founded an association called Hagströmerbibliotekets vänner (“Friends of Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library”), which organizes showings, seminars, and lectures in the library. INSIDE/ It Was My Brain Again. At Hagströmer Library Photos by Nina Broberg As Head of Unit at the Hagströmer Library, I have responsibility for Karolinska Institutet’s collections of rare books and manuscripts. Contact me if you want to conduct research on KI:s older collections or wish to make use of them in other ways.
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Furthermore, he has founded an association called Hagströmerbibliotekets vänner (“Friends of Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library”), which organizes showings, seminars, and lectures in the library.

Lärda essäer om Linnés dissertationer. Recension av Carina Nynäs och Lars Bergquist: A Linnaean Kaleidoscope. The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library.
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Responses to our live online tours: "We have received a completely positive response to the tour of the Hagströmer" Guided tours of Hagströmer Library are free. Registration is required. Each tour will have a special theme. Wednesday 16 October 2019 . 10-11.30 (in Swedish) Hjalmar Fors: Stockholmsmedicin från 1500-talet till Nobelprisen Explore our virtual book museum – a selection of old and rare books in the Hagströmer Library collections, covering a range of subjects in the history of medicine and allied sciences. Medicinsk historia The Hagströmer Library is the core of the Medical History and Heritage Unit/Communications and Public Relations Office at Karolinska Insitutet, that takes care of and spreads information about KI’s medical heritage.