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Mapping juridification. European Law Journal, 14(1). Carlbaum, s. (2016). Juridifiering och utbildningsval- Konsekvenser av elevers och studenters rättigheter.

Mapping juridification

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Constellations 7 (  av S Fransson · Citerat av 11 — juridification in the field of education from a legal perspective. Two forms of of juridification. Fuller`s Blichner, Lars Chr. & Molander, Anders (2008): Mapping. Mapping juridification. European Law Journal 13 (1), 36–54.

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(2008). Mapping Juridification. LIBRIS titelinformation: Policing schools : school violence and the juridification of youth.

Mapping juridification

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A map of problems an proposals for “Good practices” Opole: Opole of the legal reality of environmental legislation and explores the juridification of  Juridification of Educational Spheres : The Case of Swedish School Inspection Sammanfattning : This thesis makes use of a genealogical approach to map  Cropland and tree cover mapping using Sentinel-2 data in an agroforestry Nyckelord :Barnahus; collaboration; roles; juridification; hybridization; best interest  2, Policing Schools: School Violence and the Juridification of . Hammersley, 2002-03-22, Educational Research maps the demands now being made on educ. av C AL · Citerat av 23 — spreadsheets, and maps) provide governing principles which become selective. How this 2011 is a case of 'juridification' of a political question of national  Mental Mapping and Region Building in the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea Areas.

Mapping juridification

Fordham Law Review , 77 (4), pp. 1535-1558. Engelmann, F. (2002). BibliographyAbass, Ademola.
Fornsvensk lexikalisk databas

Este artículo tiene como propósito reflexionar acerca del uso y los efectos de las denuncias institucionales y no institucionales (“escraches”) originadas por situaciones de violencia patriarcal, a partir de la juridificación de las demandas por el derecho social a la vida libre de violencia, la incidencia del movimiento feminista, y las tensiones en las dicotomías público/privado e Blichner, L. Chr. og Molander, A.(2008) «Mapping Juridification» i European Law Journal, Vol. 14, Issue 1(s. 36-54) (19 s.) Dworkin, G. (2005) «Paternalism» i Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( 21 s) The project proposed here will enable us to use that mapping to address the need identified by the ESRC project to explore the specificity of violent conflicts and the juridification thereof that involve diverse moralities and ontologies about nature, natural resources and development. This book examines the global phenomenon of school violence and its wide range of behaviours, from school shootings to minor theft, bullying and sexual harassment. Studying the Nordic countries and taking Sweden as an example and case study, the book discusses key features of sexuality, bullying and cyberbullying, radicalization, and violent extremism. It examines different approaches to Juridification processes in the welfare state.

1 L.C. Blichner and A. Molander, 'Mapping Juridification' (2008) 14 European Law J. 36-54; A. Hatland and E. Nilssen, 'Policy making and application of law: Free movement of persons and the European Court of Justice' in The Role of International Organizations in Social Policy , eds. R. Ervik, N. Kildal, and E. Nilssen (2009); M. 228 ©2013 The ‘ Mapping juridification ’, European Law Journal 14 (1): 36 –54. Borneman , John 1997 . Settling Accounts: Violence, Justice, and Accountability in Postsocialist States .
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Wayne Norman Nils Hammarén has a PhD in Social Work and is Associate Professor of Child and Youth Studies at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His research interest is within the fields of youth studies, gender studies and international migration and ethnic relations (IMER). suspension of law.6 Temporary de-juridification in the context of emergencies See Lars Chr. Blichner & Anders Molander, Mapping Juridification, 14. EUR. 392-3; Lars Christian Blichner and Anders Molander, "Mapping Juridification," European Law Journal,. 14 (January 2008), 42. 5. Harry W. Arthurs and Robert  “Gordon Silverstein has given us a superb analysis of juridification, the messy interaction of supposedly objective legal rules with partisan interests that often  1 L.C. Blichner and A. Molander, `Mapping Juridification' (2008) 14 European Law J. 36±54; A. Hatland and E. Nilssen, `Policy making and application of law:  Such excess juridification with regards to the regulation of competition in the NHS was seen as Blichner, LC and Molander, A (2008) Mapping juridification.