Pro Futura Scientia XV - Aurora - Umeå universitets intranät


Hanteringsordning för Pro Futura Scientia XVI RJ

Virginia Langum Professor. E-post. E-post Telefon. 090-786 90 83.

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Dr Zair will split his time between Cambridge's Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities (CRASSH) and the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala, conducting research for his project "Learning to Spell in the Roman Empire" which Angela Breitenbach has been awarded the first CRASSH Pro Futura Scientia Fellowship. The three-year research fellowship for early career academics at Cambridge is offered in collaboration with the Swedish Collegium of Advanced Study (SCAS) in Uppsala and the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) in Cambridge. Dr Hazem Kandil has been appointed to the CRASSH ProFutura fellowship, from 2017-20. The CRASSH ProFutura fellowship is a three-year research fellowship offered in collaboration with the Swedish Collegium of Advanced Study (SCAS) in Uppsala and generously funded by the Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ). Pro Futura Scientia Fellow Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) jul 2020 –nu 9 månader.

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9. Næste møder. Der er aftalt  Pro Futura Scientia VII award from the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study ( SCAS) for especially promising young researchers in the humanities and social  Aryo Makko ist Pro Futura Scientia Fellow am Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala sowie Professor für Geschichte am Historischen Institut der  Grant type: Pro Futura Scientia.

Pro futura scientia

Hanteringsordning för Pro Futura Scientia XVI RJ

Under senare år har RJ och SCAS stärkt programmet ytterligare.

Pro futura scientia

Angela Breitenbach, nominerad av University of Cambridge, blev Dr.Phil. i filosofi vid Humboldt-Universität  I am a researcher and teacher in History of Ideas at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics at Stockholm University, and a Pro Futura Scientia  We are thrilled to announce that Lisa Hellman has been appointed Pro Futura Scientia Fellow and will join the Department of History at Lund! In this ences, the Pro Futura Scientia Programme. The selection of scholars to the programme and the management of it rests on the Collegium, which collaborates  4 Bilaga 2: Inbjudan från RJ att nominera forskare till Pro Futura Scientia VIII (på svenska och engelska) PM september 2012 Pro Futura Scientia VIII Ett  I moved to Sweden shortly after finishing my PhD at Cambridge University and have worked as a researcher here for several years. I am now a Pro Futura Scientia  Pro Futura Scientia är ett nationellt spetsforskningsprogram för forskare i humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. Programmet inrättades 1999 av  Redaktionen.
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– 9. 11. 2011 zúčastnili celoštátneho finále odbornej súťaže určenej pre žiakov stredných škôl so záujmom o vedu a techniku SCIENTIA PRO FUTURO.Zo 154 projektov v celoštátnom finále súťažilo 52 prác. Katarína MARKOVÁ získala za projekt Fauna článkonožcov v Snežnej diere Az Egyetem Tehetségtanácsa „Pro Scientia et Futuro” Ösztöndíj pályázatot hirdet azoknak a nappali tagozatos, aktív jogviszonnyal rendelkező alap- vagy mesterképzésben részt vevő hallgatóknak, akik az elmúlt két félévben kiemelkedő tanulmányi, tudományos diákköri és publikációs tevékenységet folytattak.