substance of very high concern - Swedish translation – Linguee
For references, see European Commission (2000) REACH ref Annex, § Property Value Comments V, 5.1 Physical state at 20 C and 101.3 Kpa solid PBT Information System provides with information on Existing Substances which have been subject to evaluation of their PBT properties under the Interim Strategy for REACH and the ESR program. 127 Existing Chemicals and 101 New Substances respectively were evaluated for their PBT/vPvB properties. – 21 Substance = 17 % of the 125 Potential PBT or vPvB Candidates –After 4 Years discussion, assessment and testing – 20 Substances were delisted = 95 % of the 21 Potential Candidates – 1 Substance is assigned PBT (a Borderline case), an Intermediate with emission control (very low emissions) –OVERALL CONCLUSION These include CMR substances in category 1A, 1B, endocrine disruptors, particularly hazardous metals (Hg, Pb, Cd) and PBT/vPvB substances. In addition to this also ozone depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases from The Montreal Protocol are included in phase-out substances because the objective of this legislation is to phase out the substances concerned. 2021-02-01 · For all subsets – CMR, PBT/vPvB and ED – there is a clear relationship observed (R 2 ranging from 0.84 to 0.89), and indicates the importance of chemical similarity for toxicological concern.
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reproduktionsstörande (CMR). Persistenta, bioackumulerande och toxiska (PBT). Mycket persistenta och mycket bioackumulerande (vPvB). (SVHC) om ämnen inom kategorierna CMR, PBT,.
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Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) was discussed by former EU PBT Working Group on a number of occasions. As a result of these discussions the substance was included in Preservatives have biocidal properties and time-sensitive functionality.
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PBT-criteria vPvB-criteria P* Half-life > 60 d in marine water or in freshwater* > 40 d or in marine sediment > 180 d or in freshwater sediment > 120 d Half-life > 60 d marine or freshwater or >180 d in marine or fresh water sediment B BCF > 2000 BCF > 5000 T Chronic NOEC < 0.01 mg/l or CMR ** or endocrine disrupting effects 제19409호 관 보 2018. 12. 28.(금요일) 213 순번 화학물질 명칭 고유번호 (CAS No.) 비고 1 Formaldehyde 50-00-0 CMR 2 benzo[def]chrysene 50-32-8 CMR, PBT 3 Mechlorethamine 51-75-2 CMR Substances of Very High Concern due to PBT, vPvB, or vPvT. • Stockholm Convention Some NCSs contain components that are listed CMR/PBTs. NCSs that the performance of QSAR models were evaluated to predict the persistence and bioaccumulation of PBT, and the carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of CMR. Bureau for Chemical Subtances, Poland, 2013.
Ämnen med särskilt allvarliga inneboende egenskaper (s.k.. CMR, PBT, vPvB-ämnen). • Bilagan uppdateras löpande. • Informationsskyldighet. (PBT, CMR, vPvB, andra). Se bilagor XIV och XVII i REACH eller ämnen med motsvarande egenskaper.
Fardiga uppsatser
CMR-ämnen, kategori 3 enligt KIFS 2005:7 alternativt kategori 2 enligt CLP-förordningen. •. Potentiella PBT- och vPvB-ämnen (persistenta, bioackumulerande eller CMR - Cancerframkallande 1A,.
In addition to the CMR and PBT prohibitions in 5.2, preservatives that release CMRs or PBTs or whose reaction byproducts are CMRs or PBTs will not be allowed. 5.8.3 Special requirements
Substances of very high concern include substances with CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, reproductive toxic), PBT/vPvB and ED (Endocrine Disruptive) properties and substances of equivalent concern (see further in e.g. article 55-66 of REACH).
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4.1.4 Summary and discussion of persistence Proposal for identification of a substance as a CMR, PBT, vPvB or a substance of an equivalent level of concern Substance Name: Coal tar pitch, high temperature EC Number: 266-028-2 CAS number: 65996-93-2 Submitted by : European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Version : August 2009 Predicting PBT and CMR properties of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) using QSAR models, and application for K-REACH. Toxicol Rep. 2020 Aug 15;7:995-1000. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2020.08.014.