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29 Jul 2019 I recently did two QM games with Varian (one L and one W) and the build was:. Overpower Taunt Second Wind Warbringer Mortal Strike Banner  9 May 2017 Heroes of the Storm guide on how to play Varian. The guide is highlighting the Tank path, explaining every needed talent in order to get the  Being the High King - The Shield and Swords of Varian Wrynn picture. Varian Taunt | Build on Psionic Storm - Heroes of the Storm.

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Heroes of the Storm (Gameplay) - Varian Tank Build (HotS Varian Gameplay Quick Match) - YouTube. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping.


How will he rank on our Heroes of the Storm Tier List, click and see. Varian’s release date is on November 15th, 2016. Pros & Cons.

Hots varian build

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This build is recommended if the enemy team have different ways to deny your Basic Attacks, so you build around dealing with what they feature. Varian 's Twin Blades of Fury is the most powerful build. Sadly, also the most boring one. ;) You can 1v1, 1v2 or even in some cases 1v3 enemy heroes if you get ganked and have to. You must take Shield Wall at 4 for it though!

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0. Varian Twin Blades . By Jello 14/02/2020 499 0 0. Varian. High King of the Alliance Build 1 / 4: Varian Twin Varian build guide on how to master dual nature of the King of Stormwind.
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Varian’s release date is on November 15th, 2016. Pros & Cons.