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Advokatska firma Sajic - Startsida Facebook

Banja Luka, within a wide range of services offered to its customers, provides, among other things, a specially created package of services for the Community of floor owners. All information by e-mail: Advokatska firma Sajić pozdravlja odluku Ustavnog suda RS 02.07.2013. 08:18 / Izvor: Ustavni sud Republike Srpske je, na sjednici održanoj dana 29.05.2013. godine, potvrdio da su odredbe Zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o opštem upravnom postupku, koje se odnose na to koja lica mogu biti punomoćnici u upravnim postupcima, u skladu sa Ustavom Republike Srpske.

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Zeljko is an authorized patent attorney, registered at the Institute of Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to intellectual property, Zeljko's area of expertise is also bankruptcy and “SAJIC CONSULTING” provides its clients with accounting services in which, in addition to bookkeeping, it can offer controlling and planning financial operations and transactions, analysis of the economic situation of the company, accounting planning, accounting control and supervision. By concluding a contract on the conduct of business books and accounting services, Sajić Consulting d.o.o. Banja Luka offers the following types of services and benefits for its clients: – FREE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE JOINT OWNERS COMMUNITY, for those floor owners who have not yet formed ZEV, which includes the preparation of all the necessary acts, and submitting a request for registration … Stojanka Sajic is a Senior Partner and Founder of the Law Firm SAJIC. Mrs Sajic graduated from the University of Banja Luka School of Law in 1983. She has gained experience working for the Municipal Assembly of Laktasi, as well as for the companies "Rudi Cajavac" and "Sirovina" from Banja Luka. In 1989, she established an independent law practice, in 2000 expanded it to a BANKARSKO PRAVO Advokatska firma Sajic sa sjedištem u Banjoj Luci je četvrta advokatska firma iz regiona koja je sa Andersen Global potpisala Ugovor o saradnji.

Advokatska firma Sajic - Tjänster Facebook

Han tog jur.kand.-examen vid Sarajevos universitet 1983, gjorde tingsmeritering och tog domarexamen redan 1984. House for sale in Laktasi, in Cara Dusana Street number 142, settlement Trn. The total area of the building (Pr + 2S) is 265,28m2.

Advokatska firma sajić

Mina Stanojlovic - University of Belgrade - Borås, Västra

1 023 gillar · 42 pratar om detta · 58 har varit här. Bosna i Hercegovina Banja Luka Bulevar vojvode Živojina Mišića 49b. Advokatska firma Sajic, Banja Luka. 1 004 gillar · 57 har varit här. Bosna i Hercegovina Banja Luka Bulevar vojvode Živojina Mišića 49b.

Advokatska firma sajić

Currently, their team is composed of 10 attorneys and four associates and interns. Om Advokatska M.Sci.
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Knežopoljska br. 10 78000 Banja Luka .
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Advokatska firma Sajic, Banja Luka — Булевар војводе

Advokatska firma Sajic, Banja Luka. 985 likes · 8 talking about this · 57 were here.