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degree, provided grades are at least a C or better. In order for transfer credit to be applied to any of the required areas of learning, courses must be equivalent in nature to those offered by Indiana University in these areas. IU Southeast also works to ensure students are made aware of how their credits will transfer by advising students at the community college level or pre-transfer level on a regular basis. Veterans may earn college credit for educational experiences in the armed services. If so, our transfer specialist is here to help you find your place at IU Southeast! For an unofficial, pre-admission evaluation of your current college credit, please complete the following: Visit our Credit Transfer Service website and use the drop-down boxes to enter information about the college/university you are transferring from. Resources for transfer students include a transfer admission specialist, transfer student scholarships, and an easy-to-use credit transfer service.

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Course credits earned from regionally accredited colleges and universities* will be accepted as transfer credit subject to the following guidelines: Only courses taken while a school is regionally accredited will be accepted. Only courses with grades of "C-" or better will transfer.

Credit transfer service iu

If the school you attended operates on semester hours, these Type "transfer credits" into the search box at the top and click on the "Transfer Credits" app box. Log in using your IU username and passphrase to see how your course work from another college or university transferred to IU. If you have general questions about transferring credits, please visit the Credit Transfer Service site or contact the Fewer than 12 credit hours, please submit your official high school transcript (contact your High School and request that they mail it to IU East in a sealed envelope or utilize an electronic transcript service) OR official TASC, GED, or HSE test scores (contact the organization that provided your test to submit scores to IU … Enroll in online or on-campus classes as a Guest Student at Ivy Tech Community College and transfer the credits back to Indiana University! More than 200 Ivy Tech classes transfer to IU Bloomington. Taking classes as a guest student is a great way to take your general education classes, catch up on credits, or … International Student Transfer Credit Evaluation Process. IU Kokomo provides in-house credit evaluation for international transcripts. This is a very time-consuming process. Admitted students should allow at least 30 days for our academic advisors to process each transcript.
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