IB Diploma Programme - IHGR International High School
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IHGR the International High School of the Gothenburg Region, Göteborg. 1 524 gillar · 4 pratar om detta · 1 066 har varit här. At IHGR you have the choice of the IB Diploma Programme, the Social International schools in Albania. Cambridge Home School is a selective over-subscribed online independent school based in Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Our school offers an unrivalled British education that will enable your child to progress to any university in the world including Cambridge, Oxford, and the top US Universities. International High School of the Gothenburg Region.
Välkommen till Handelshögskolan! Här hittar du forskning och utbildning med globala perspektiv och fokus på hållbar samhällsutveckling. Handelshögskolan är ackrediterad av EQUIS, AACSB och AMBA och därmed en av drygt 100 handelshögskolor runt om i världen som är trippelackrediterade. International School of the Gothenburg Region | 268 följare på LinkedIn. ISGR is an IB (International Baccalaureate) World School offering the full continuum of education including the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme and the Diploma Programme. In our National Section we offer the Swedish National Curriculum taught in Swedish but with an English profile, and in our High School Move to Gothenburg is a collaborative initiative that aims to attract and welcome highly skilled internationals, and get them to stay and thrive in the Gothenburg region, West Sweden.
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Här hittar du forskning och utbildning med globala perspektiv och fokus på hållbar samhällsutveckling. Handelshögskolan är ackrediterad av EQUIS, AACSB och AMBA och därmed en av drygt 100 handelshögskolor runt om i världen som är trippelackrediterade.
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See this breakdown of public vs. private schools to determine what is best for you. Advertiser Disclosure: The credit card and banking offers that appear on this site are If you’re a recent grad or a career-changer, your best bet may be to learn your way out of this recession. But be careful that a niche degree doesn’t equal a useless degree, says Tory Hoen, co-author of the forthcoming edition of the Gradsp Office of The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Office of The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Schooling comes in many forms -- from traditional K-12 education to college and the pursuit of advanced degrees. Learn all about at Schooling here. Advertisement Schooling comes in many forms -- from traditional K-12 education to college an Berlitz International - Gothenburg.
Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.
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Partly private and partly public, the school offers the International Baccalaureate and the Swedish National Programme for grades K-10. The school has been an IB World School since August 2000, and CIS-accredited as of March 2008. The school consists of two campuses. The South Campus for grades 0-5 is located at The International High School.
IB School code: 001827. School details incorrect? The information on this page is pulled automatically from the IB …
At our British International Schools we blend the schools’ local curriculum with the best elements of The British curriculum.
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