The Big Lebowski


The Roast of Bruce Willis -

Domenick Jack "Dom" Irrera is an American actor and stand-up comedian. He was the voice of Duke in the Barnyard franchise. You won’t find Dom Irrera referring to sex in any of these ways: to booger my babe, to hump my honey, to lay some pipe, to hide the salami, to butter the bon Get the DVD "DOM IRRERA-IS THIS THING ON?" from Join or Sign In. Sign in to customize your TV listings. Sign in with Facebook Sign in with email.

Dom irrera

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Auto Circus Cop. Mike Gomez. Gary the Bartender. Peter Siragusa. Doctor. Marshall Manesh. Arthur Digby Sellers.

Dom Irrera-arkiv - Horse Creek Entertainment

She's always busting my friggin' agates. My daughter's married to a real loser  Dom Irrera: American actor (1947-), Actor, Film actor, Voice actor, From: United States of America | Biography, Filmography, Discography, Facts, Career, Wiki,  Stand up vet Dom Irrera chats up old and new comedian friends live on the world famous Laugh Factory stage with club owner Jamie Masada. Watch these  Summary.

Dom irrera

Bondgård film – Wikipedia

Domenick Jack "Dom" Irrera (born November 18, 1948) is an American stand-up comedian. Much of his material is in the form of stories about his life, especially his childhood years and growing up in an Italian-American family. Irrera was a series regular on the 1998 Fox comedy Damon, starring Damon Wayans. His guest star credits include Becker, Everybody Loves Raymond, The King of Queens, and Seinfeld, in which he played an annoying prop comic needling Jerry in the memorable episode. Official web site of comedian Dom Irrera,with Calendar and Appearance Schedule,Biography,Photos,Contact Information,Film,TV and Commercial Credits Dom Irrera was born on November 18, 1948 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA as Domenick Jack Irrera. He is an actor and writer, known for The Big Lebowski(1998), Barnyard(2006) and Captain Simian & The Space Monkeys(1996). 9,065 Followers, 215 Following, 185 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Dom Irrera (@domirrera) Ruben Paul and his friend, Michael Bearden, guest on this episode to talk with Dom Irrera about Ruben's Haitian upbringing, the cultural benefits of performing internationally, and a Micheal Jackson painting that was a gift from Russell Peters.

Dom irrera

She's always busting my friggin' agates. My daughter's married to a real loser  Dom Irrera: American actor (1947-), Actor, Film actor, Voice actor, From: United States of America | Biography, Filmography, Discography, Facts, Career, Wiki,  Stand up vet Dom Irrera chats up old and new comedian friends live on the world famous Laugh Factory stage with club owner Jamie Masada. Watch these  Summary. One in this series of stand-up comedy specials. In this installment, Dom Irrera is awakened in his hotel room by an eager fan, played by Louie Anderson,  Nov 20, 2007 Case in point: Dom Irrera.
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May 7, 2015 With some comedians, the older they get, the older the crowd becomes. Not so for Dom Irrera, 66. Like Rodney Dangerfield, Irrera's humor has  Nov 8, 1989 As comedy troupes go, Dom Irrera is one of the best. Of course, Irrera is just one guy.

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The Big Lebowski

Much of his material is in the form of stories about his life, especially his childhood years and growing up in an Italian-American family. Dom Irrera is one of the patients' of Dr. Katz.