The current Trulia Estimate for 47 Artisan Way is $317,803. 47 Artisan Way, Forestdale, MA 02644 is a 2 bed, 1 bath, 936 sqft house sold for $315,000 on 2/26/21. MLS# 22008372. Sold - 47 Artisan Way, Sandwich, MA - $315,000. View details, map and photos of this single family property with 2 bedrooms and 1 total baths. MLS# 72769886. 47 Artisan Way, Sandwich, MA, 02644 is a 936 SqFt house listed for-sale at $304,900.

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47 Artisan Way #4B. Dover, NH 03820 is a Array, 2 bed, 2 bath for $323476 in Strafford County. MLS# 4679142. Request showing or learn more!


Based on Redfin's Forestdale data, we estimate the home's value is $305,775. 2021-03-22 · 47 Artisan Way, Forestdale, MA 02644 is a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom single-family home built in 1975.

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Find information about 46 Artisan Way, Forestdale, MA 02644 on View photos, get a property value estimate and more. 36 Artisan Way, Forestdale, MA 02644 is a single family home not currently listed. This is a 3-bed, 2.5-bath, 1,846 sqft property. Diese Seite zeigt die Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang Zeiten in 49 Artisan Way, Forestdale, MA, USA, einschließlich der schönen Sonnenaufgang oder Sonnenuntergang Fotos, lokale aktuelle Zeit, Zeitzone , Längengrad , Breitengrad und Live-Karte. 47 Artisan Way , Forestdale, MA 02644-1929 is currently not for sale. The 936 sq.

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47. ARTISAN WAY. 07-058- 270,500 RAISED RANCH. 1584 1978. 47.
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The current Trulia Estimate for 47 Artisan Way is $317,803. 47 Artisan Way Forestdale, MA 02644 is located in the Sandwich School District and the nearest school is Sandwich High School. an ideal family neighborhood with Sandwich High School highly rated assigned schools.

single-family home is a 3 bed, 1.0 bath property. This home was built in 1975 and last sold on 10/4/2019 for $350,000. This is a Single Family Residence home located at 47 Artisan Way, Forestdale, MA. 47 Artisan Way has 2 bedrooms, 1.0 full bathrooms, 0.0 partial bathrooms, and approximately 936 square feet.
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48 Artisan Way was last sold on Apr 1, 2019 for $270,000 (5% lower than the asking price of $283,000). The current Trulia Estimate for 48 Artisan Way is $334,174. The Block that 37 Artisan Way Forestdale MA 02644 is a part of is comprised of 76 properties of which 76 (100%) are residential properties. The property with the longest running occupancy, by the current owner, is 1 Arline Path Forestdale MA 02644 which has been owned by the same owner for 33 years.