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Her departure was seen by many as an admission of guilt. admissions [ plural ] the people who have been accepted as students or as members of an organization, or the process of accepting them. قُبول. 2. "recognition". admission (also: ratification, affirmation, accreditation, acknowledgement, acknowledgment) volume_up. إقْرار [ʼiqrār] {noun} admission (also: recognition, confession, confession, profession) volume_up.

Admission meaning in arabic

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1 permission to enter or the right, authority, etc., to enter. 2 the price charged for entrance. 3 acceptance for a position, office, etc. 4 a confession, as of a crime, mistake, etc. 5 an acknowledgment of the truth or validity of something. (C15: from Latin admission-, from admittere to admit) ♦ admissive adj. Acquiescence or concurrence in a statement made by another, and distinguishable from a confession in that an admission presupposes prior inquiry by another, but a confession may be made without such inquiry.

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Admission meaning in arabic

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Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Translations of admission. 接受, (尤指不情願的)承認, 供認….

Admission meaning in arabic

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Learn more. admissions definition: the people allowed into a college, hospital, or other place, or the process of allowing people in: . Learn more. ‘a tacit admission that things had gone wrong’ ‘By his own admission that's one of his best qualities: to bring out the best in players who are maybe not as good as some in other teams.’ ‘By their own admission that is way beyond their technological grasp, and may remain forever out of reach.’ 2021-04-09 Translation for 'admission' in the free English-Indonesian dictionary and many other Indonesian translations. admission office definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, admission office meaning explained, see also 'admiration',admissible',admiring',administrator', English vocabulary free admission definition in English dictionary, free admission meaning, synonyms, see also '-free',for free',free agent',free alongside ship'.

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