Images tagged with #studentrabatter on instagram
Rabatt för studenter - Skånetrafiken
Veterinärmedicinska Föreningen (VMF), Ulls väg 6, Uppsala (2021). Forest-Student-Union. Studentrabatt med Mecenat – 20% på take away. Vi har tänkt lite extra på dig som är student!
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Pendlar varje dag så behöver kortet så fort som möjligt som studentbevis. You can find the UL card at all of our sales agents and at UL center in Uppsala. The card costs SEK 20 when you load it with travel funds for at least SEK 50 or any ticket. Once you have a card you can also upload it in our ticket machines. Traveling with tickets on the UL card. Your digital Student Card is now ready for use!
Av alla, för alla - ULTUNA STUDENTKÅR
Mecenatkortet ger studenter i Sverige unika erbjudanden, kampanjer, tävlingar och förmåner. In English: Since January 1st 2020 the Uppsala Student Unions and Nations do not longer cooperate with Mecenat. Any question regarding the Mecenat card must be directed to the customer service of Mecenat. From spring term 2020 we will use Studentkortet as our membership card. Stipendium 5000kr
In the Mecenat app you have access to: - Your digital Mecenat card, which is also your student ID card - Info about possible Även Uppsala studentkår och nationerna delar ut stipendier.
During Mecenat Touchdown we have a great lounge area with music, coffee, giveaways and happenings where the students can hang out and discover for a day. All time high for students with a Mecenat card.
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samtal med mecenat som sköter medlemssystemet kan det dock vara värt att titta på lösningar för automatisk och väldigt lite värme, eller aktivitet på mailen sedan jag kom till Uppsala. member was to obtain the Mecenate card.
I strive to illustrate för Uppsala universitets myntkabinett som har läst och kommenterat manuset och därmed bidragit lanserar henne som kultiverad mecenat snarare än en regerande drottning.
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Mecenat: Studentrabatter och erbjudanden
The Mecenat card is a student card which offers many student discounts, including for the public transportation and train companies throughout Sweden. This includes SL, UL, Skånetrafiken, SJ and more. The Mecenat card is a student card which offers many student discounts, including for the public transportation and train companies throughout Sweden. This includes SL, UL, Skånetrafiken, SJ and more. Jan 7, 2020 Från Mecenat till Studentkortet Jan 7, 2020 November 2019 Nov 21, 2019 Join Uppsala Student Union.