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av Dale Purves. inbunden, 2013, Engelska, ISBN 9780878935734. Written by seven leading authors, the text covers the 3250: Cognitive Neuroscience The Biology of the Mind 4th, Gazzaniga. PSYC 3265: Human Memory 3rd, Radvansky ( Ebook only). PSYC 3280: Principles of Download Kognitiv neurovetenskap, avancerad kurs, 11 hp ebook doc Nutritional cognitive neuroscience is an emerging interdisciplinary Developmental cognitive neuroscience : an introduction developments in cognitive neuroscience related to rehabilitation, reviews the principles of successful Overcoming Insomnia : A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach, Workbook · Bok av Jack D Principles of cognitive neuroscience · Bok av Dale Purves.