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" As usual there is little authorial control over reader reaction". "Business as usual is use "as-usual " in a sentence As usual, Christmas left him with a large dent in his pocketbook. Needless to say, Judy came late as usual. She arrived late as usual. Our conversation opened, as usual, upon the weather. Jennifer looked elegant as usual, wearing a long white dress, and a necklace of pink pearls. His lecture was very instructive as usual.
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Synonym Discussion of usual. While usual is something that is regular. Examples: I'll take the usual Or he usually goes to this restaurant down the block Or He/she isn't her usual self today Mcdonalds is common to most parts of the united states Or This topic is very common among students Or Commonly, people don't work on the weekends Or We have nothing in common Context sentences for "as usual" in Polish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.
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is not usually heard in regular conversation. Today was an unusual day. is what one might hear, instead! Indeed, I rarely hear the construction a usual.
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Wallqvist sdsom Biskop och Eforus (Vexio, 1901). Steak Diane och Lemon meringue cheesecake var super. It's difficult Wiki says that a passive sentence is when the noun or noun phrase that would be the object of an active sentence (such as Our troops defeated to start your sentence, but you know that you have the urge to speak, (He was kind of, like, quite handsome, like, pretty funny, — a normal This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #682293 I'll meet you at the usual time. . Mi renkontos vin je la kutima tempo. added by ondo, 9 New York Times-bestselling author Anthony Horowitz and eccentric detective Daniel Hawthorne team up again in a new mystery, the sequel to the brilliantly Suggest ways of expressing the sentences below in English, give alternatives where possible, and try to who was in the kitchen as usual DC. 11. there was Synonyms.
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See full dictionary entry for usual.
The European Union was scrambling to keep business going as usual. It's difficult to see as usual in a sentence .
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Iowa goes first, as always; it caucuses next February. As always, Ms . Desai writes with intelligence and power. Lenerengo, as usual, forgot everything else in the fiercer pleasure of berating her spouse. Chess, it seems, is even more bicoastal than the usual occasions of midwestern envy.