How do you say “these flowers are for my mom” in Swedish


MOMS - Translation in Swedish -

The latest Tweets from Swedishmom (@Swedishmom1). Swedish homewife and mom of three. Utan hinder av. 9 § 2 mom.

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Swedish mom

Half of Swedish mums want to stay home - Radio Sweden


Swedish mom

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Painting's profile picture. Translation and Meaning of mom in Almaany English-Swedish Dictionary. mom momma , mommy , mammy , mum , mummy , mater , mother , female parent  Translation of «mom» in Swedish language: «morsan» — English-Swedish Dictionary. Guide to Ovansjö Parish, Sweden ancestry, family history, and genealogy: birth Mom, Nor, Nordanå, Norrberg, Nygården, Nyåker, Näs, Pellas, Piparbo  Really delicious food and friendly staff. I can recommend it to everyone, who is interested in Swedish dishes.