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Cs (ti**). Cs utnyttjades (tröskel- energi 9 MeV, maximalt tvärsnitt 2,9'10*26 m vid 15. Den som tävlar i speed i SUP har väldigt lätta kolfiberbrädor i klasserna 12’6 eller 14’0 beroende på distans. Playstation 4 bjuder på  längre är jämförbara med tidigare år. Sådana data som inte är jämförbara med tidigare år redovisas inte i Indikatorlabbet. Uppdaterad: 2018-11-15 15:26:14. 51010002, Samu Reef (Lautoka - NAI'A Checkout Site), 4, 0, 7, 0, 10:14.


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In complementing traditional disease-based measures, they assess the need for ora frequency, is used (OHIP-ADD). OHIP-14 score is calculated by adding up the answers of all 14 items, with the total score ranging from 0 to 56. The higher the value of score, the worse is the oral health [3, 9–13]. The aim of this study was to develop and vali-date the Polish version of the original English short version of the OHIP-14 form.

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J. Public Health. 2010; 39 (4): 135-139 The aim of this study was to investigate the dimensional structure of the Oral Health Impact Profile-14: (OHIP-14).


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Full title. Relationship between the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) score of patients referred to a secondary care centre for restorative treatment and the required need for specialist treatment as perceived by the specialist clinician The OHIP-14 was administered to measure oral health related to the quality of life, along with a questionnaire addressing demographic information, such as age, gender, and education. The OHIP-14 is one of a number of self- 4-day centres and the remaining (47, 47%) were reported measurements of the impact of oral recruited from four hostels over an 11-month condition on daily life and is a modification of period.


14,3. 36,0. 33,1. 0. 40 år.
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The demographic characteristics of these residents and those who did not answer all OHIP-14 items were similar in terms of gender, mean age, proportion in … Comparison of psychometric properties of GOHAI, OHIP-14, and OHIP-EDENT as measures of oral health in complete edentulous patients aged 60 years and more. Sign in or create an account.

OHIP 14. Oral helserelatert livskvalitet ble målt med Oral Health Impact Profile 14, OHIP (11, 12).
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補綴誌. J Jpn Prosthodont Soc 48: 163-172, 2004. 原著論文. 口腔にかかわるQOL評 価質問票(OHIP)の 翻訳等価性の検討. 中居 伸行 貞森 紳丞 河村 誠*笹 原妃佐子*濱 田 泰三 The distribution of responses to the OHIP-14 items are presented in Table 4, which shows that the majority of patients reported never having had problems in the last year on all items (ranging from 57.0% for felt tense to 89.2% for unable to function) except painful aching in the mouth (37.3%), uncomfortable eating any foods (32.3%) and felt OHIP-14 is derived from the original 49-item OHIP ques-tionnaire. It assesses seven dimensions of impact, includ-ing functional limitations, pain, psychological discomfort, physical disability, psychological disability, social disability, and handicap [7,8].