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Results: With 25 million inhabitants in the Nordic countries, 130 000 incident cancers are reported yearly, alongside nearly 60 000 cancer deaths, with almost a million persons living with a cancer diagnosis. Background: The Nordic Cancer Registries are among the oldest population-based registries in the world, with more than 60 years of complete coverage of what is now a combined population of 26 million. However, despite being the source of a substantial number of studies, there is no published paper comparing the different registries. The Nordic Statistics database Nordic Statistics is a collection of comparative Nordic statistics which has existed and been funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers since the mid-1960s. The data is gathered from the Nordic Statistical Institutes (NSIs), the Nomesco-Nososco committees, other Nordic statistics producers as well as international International cancer and screening statistics. There are many international sources offering statistical information on cancer. Nordic cancer statistics can be accessed at NORDCAN website and screening statistics at NordScreen.

Nordic cancer statistics

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Prostate cancer (men): 12,5 %; Breast cancer (women): 8,9 % Welcome to NORDCAN – Cancer statistics for the Nordic countries. NORDCAN is a database of cancer statistics for the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Faroe Islands and Greenland. You can find information on new cancer cases (incidence), cancer mortality, number of persons living with a cancer diagnosis (prevalence) and NORDCAN- A Source of Nordic Cancer Statistics The Cancer Registry of Norway delivers data to NORDCAN, a collaboration project between all the Nordic cancer registries. On the NORDCAN website you can find information on cancer incidence, mortality, prevalence (number of persons alive with a cancer diagnosis) and survival for 41 of the largest groups of cancer in the Nordic countries. Statistiken i NORDCAN görs tillgänglig av Association of Nordic Cancer Registries (ANCR), och data har levererats från de nordiska ländernas cancer- och dödsorsaksregister.

Sharp increase in patients treated for brain tumors with

Presently there are no integrated cancer pathways in Finland. However, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has established a working group for the improvement of can-cer care in Finland. About .

Nordic cancer statistics

Yearbook of Nordic Statistics 1991: Nordisk statistisk

Funded by the Nordic Cancer Union and undertaken by the Association of Nordic Cancer Registries.

Nordic cancer statistics

The Nordic Cancer Registries cooperates to provide online statistics and data in the Nordic countries.
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Sep 4, 2019 “There has been a sharp decline in the incidence of stomach cancer throughout the world. In the Nordic countries, we see the decline right from  Rostgaard K, Vaeth M, Holst H, Madsen M, Lynge E. Age-period-cohort modelling of breast cancer incidence in the Nordic countries. Statistics in Medicine. 2001  Feb 28, 2019 Cancer incidence in Nordic people is particularly high for the frequent cancer forms, like breast, prostate and colon cancer.

675 West 10th Avenue  The second edition of the report was released in April 2020 and provides updated figures and statistics, as well as a new section on the energy transition in   Like many other countries, the Nordic countries have a growing proportion of elderly people and an increased prevalence of lifestyle and chronic diseases. Apr 23, 2020 Incidence, mortality, and morbidity rates for cancers provided by the an interactive web-based platform presenting global cancer statistics to  Feb 20, 2020 Six countries had a decrease in colon cancer incidence; these countries had the and the Nordic Cancer Registries (NORDCAN) for Europe.
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Kulturindikatorer i Norden : en studie i komparativ - Primo

NORDCAN presents the incidence, mortality, prevalence and survival statistics from more than 50 major cancers in the Nordic countries. A new version has been launched: NORDCAN 2.0. Until all analysis has been transferred to the upgraded version 2.0, there is still access to the old version containing: The NORDCAN database (Version 8.2, 03.2019) The five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) are geographically, historically, culturally and politically related, and their languages, except Finnish, belong to the same group. Each of the Nordic countries has a population-based cancer registry.