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The dividends in the fund are reinvested (accumulating). The total expense ratio amounts to 0.35% p.a.. The fund replicates the performance of the underlying index by buying a selection of the most relevant index constituents (sampling technique). Global Sma Ind Cri is an open-end fund incorporated in Sweden. The fund aims to follow developments in the MSCI World Small Cap Select Global Norms & Criteria Index Index as closely as possible. The investment objective of the Fund is to seek to provide investors with a total return, taking into account both capital and income returns, which reflects the return of the MSCI World Small Cap The MSCI World index Factsheet The MSCI World is an international equity index, which tracks stocks from 23 developed countries. With 1,586 constituents (as of 31/03/21), the index covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalisation in each country.

Msci world small cap select global norms & criteria index

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MSCI global indices capture 85% of the investable universe by market cap and exclude the bottom 15% as small-cap firms. But FTSE global indices track 90% of market capitalisation and exclude the bottom 10% as small-cap firms. De index is een op maat gemaakte index die overeenkomt met de MSCI World Small Cap Index, met uitsluiting van de bedrijven die niet voldoen aan maatschappelijk verantwoorde maatstaven. Deze bedrijven worden geïdentificeerd aan de hand van criteria die op de tien principes van het Global Compact van de Verenigde Naties zijn Der MSCI World ist ein globaler Aktienindex, der die Kursentwicklung von rund 1.600 Aktien aus 23 Industrieländern abbildet.In jedem dieser Länder deckt der Index mit den größten Aktiengesellschaften etwa 85 % der Streubesitz-Marktkapitalisierung ab. Die einzelnen Unternehmen werden gemäß ihrer jeweiligen Streubesitz-Marktkapitalisierung gewichtet.

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The fund aims to follow developments in the MSCI World Small Cap Select Global Norms & Criteria Index Index as closely as possible. The investment objective of the Fund is to seek to provide investors with a total return, taking into account both capital and income returns, which reflects the return of the MSCI World Small Cap The MSCI World index Factsheet The MSCI World is an international equity index, which tracks stocks from 23 developed countries.

Msci world small cap select global norms & criteria index

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Zu den Werten des MSCI World Small Cap setze ich zum Vergleich die Zahlen des MSCI World Index in Klammern dahinter: Vereinigte Staaten 56,79 % (62,82 %). Japan 12,55 % (8,40 %). Om in MSCI ESG Fund Ratings te worden opgenomen, moet 65% van de brutoweging van het fonds komen van effecten die door MSCI ESG Research zijn geanalyseerd (bepaalde contante posities en andere activasoorten die door MSCI voor ESG-analyse niet relevant worden geacht, worden verwijderd vóór de berekening van de brutoweging van een fonds; de absolute waarden van shortposities worden inbegrepen maar behandeld als niet-geanalyseerd), moeten de posities van het fonds minder dan een jaar oud zijn SPDR MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF 25 November 2013 USD 441,726,243 297,008,909 SPDR MSCI World Technology UCITS ETF 29 April 2016 USD 138,599,663 106,352,182 SPDR MSCI World Telecommunications UCITS ETF 29 April 2016 USD 7,166,817 6,970,518 SPDR MSCI World Utilities UCITS ETF 29 April 2016 USD 4,551,688 4,406,067 Get free historical data for MSCI World. You'll find the closing price, open, high, low, change and %change for the selected range of dates.

Msci world small cap select global norms & criteria index

The index covers approximately 14% of the free float-adjusted market capitalisation of each country. FTSE includes more small caps in the “non IMI” Indices – This is an important factor because the largest International ETFs usually exclude small caps (aka IMIs). MSCI global indices capture 85% of the universe by market cap in non-IMI Index and exclude the bottom 15% as small-cap firms. FTSE global indices track 90% world markets and msci global small cap indexes The following are changes in constituents for the MSCI Global Small Cap Indexes which will take place as of the close of May 28, 2019.
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MSCI global indices capture 85% of the investable universe by market cap and exclude the bottom 15% as small-cap firms. But FTSE global indices track 90% of market capitalisation and exclude the bottom 10% as small-cap firms. An extensive list of all global indices with average trailing returns (YTD, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years) – indices from MSCI, FTSE, Citigroup and more. Several of those indices can be used as Vanguard Small-Cap Growth ETF CRSP US Small Cap Growth TR USD: Small Growth: 0.07% No: Small SRI: ESML: iShares ESG Aware MSCI USA Small-Cap ETF MSCI USA Sml Cap Extnd ESG Focus GR USD: Small Blend: 0.17% Yes: Small Value: VBR: Vanguard Small-Cap Value ETF CRSP US Small Cap Value TR USD: Small Value: 0.07% No: Small Weighted Equal: CSML: IQ

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12 rows 2020-11-26 The MSCI World Small Cap ESG Leaders Select Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index designed to represent the performance of companies that have high Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance. The MSCI World Small Cap ESG Leaders Select Index targets 50% of the free float-adjusted 2020-05-28 Large-cap firms in the MSCI universe account for 65 - 75% of the total capitalisation of any given market. Mid-cap firms form the next layer of the index and make up around 5 - 25%. To get the 10 - 20% small-cap slice on top of mid and large-caps, look out for MSCI’s investable market indices (IMI). MSCI index world by market cap MSCI World Historical Data Get free historical data for MSCI World. You'll find the closing price, open, high, low, change and %change for the selected range of dates. MSCI ACWI SELECT GLOBAL NORMS AND CRITERIA INDEX | FEBRUARY 2014 1 INTRODUCTION The MSCI ACWI Select Global Norms and Criteria Index (the “Index”) excludes a set of securities from the MSCI ACWI Index.