Elektriska instrument by Johan Aldgård - Prezi


Theremin: Instrumentet som du aldrig rör vid för att spela

DIY Single Chip Mikrodator Laser Harp Kit Elektronisk Piano Musik Box. 103,07 kr · RS232 Till TTL Converter Module Transfer Chip Med 4PCS-kablar. 37,43 kr. A4, Souvenir De Chine / Souvenir Of China, 3:13. A5, Equinoxe V, 3:18. B1, Rendez-Vous III (Harpe Laser) / Laser Harp, 3:29. B2, Rendez-Vous II, 10:38. ha en erkänn!

Laser harp

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Fully stand alone system (no computer required) with quick MIDI response : Perfect for musicians … Each Laser Harp, with laser projector embedded, have a Keylock system, that interdicts the device in case the key is not inserted and turned. Who has the key, is the formal responsible of the use of the harp. When the key is out, or is placed in but not turned, there's no way to activate the Laser Harp . … Are you interested in learning more about Laser Harp? In Applications and Technology we are going to present you one of the rarest and most modern musical instruments that exist Copyright © Laser Harp – Prolight d.o.o.

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Laser harp

Bruksanvisning - Yamaha UK - Yamaha Corporation

Two new laserharp versions. One with up to four multiplexed harp fram…. …es of up to 16 strings each (really big, needs to be upgraded with sensitivity adjustment for each frame), and one with one frame and chord buttons (arcade style for example) with configurable settings for each button. The harp is constructed with the 13 laser diodes on top, and 13 photoresistors on the base. All of those are held in with hot glue, because I found that it had a convenient setting time where I could aim the laser.

Laser harp

So I broke several of the methods out into individual files. I then made those a C++ library in Visual Studio 2013 and unit tested them. The library layout is thus slightly weird, but it Feb 26, 2012 - Make: Projects is your all in one workplace for STEM minds to share ideas, take action and solve problems, big and small! A laser harp is an electronic musical user interface and laser lighting display. It projects several laser beams played by the musician by blocking them to produce sounds, visually reminiscent of a harp. The laser harp has been popularised by Jean-Michel Jarre, and has been a high Laser harp features Fully stand alone system (no computer required) with quick MIDI response : Perfect for musicians and live events No expensive laser control software and hardware interface required Full color ILDA connector to use with standard laser projector.
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I was hoping I could use some transistors to reverse the Description. The KB2D Laser Harp Controller is a detection system working as a MIDI controller. It enables to send customizable MIDI messages just by touching / interacting with laser beams, and can be used with any laser projector system in order to create an interactive projection.
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En Concert Houston / Lyon - Jean-Michel Jarre LP Køb

This is a 'Laser Harp' and it turns your phone into a musical instrument that you play by moving your hands in  Uppdateringar, event och nyheter från utvecklarna av VR Laser Harp.