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Välj mellan premium Craft Vodka Distiller Altia Oyj Says M A Is Back On His Agenda av högsta kvalitet. Get Altia Oyj historical price data for ALTIA stock. has all the historical stock data including the closing price, open, high, low, change and % change. Osa Altia Oyj:tä Kaapeliaukio 1 PL 350, 00101 Helsinki Puh. +358 207 013 013
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So they generally do consider buying larger companies that are included in the relevant benchmark index. As you can see, institutional investors own 27% of Altia Oyj. General Public Ownership. With a 37% ownership, the general public have some degree of sway over Altia Oyj. While this size of ownership may not be enough to sway a policy decision in their favour, they can still make a collective impact on company policies. Next Steps: It's always worth thinking about the different groups who own shares in a company. 2021-03-25 · Get the latest updated list of insiders for ALTIA OYJ (28Q.F). Find out the total insider shares held, purchased and sold. Altia Oyj er en finsk produsent og distributør av brennevin.
Essity B - aktiekurs, analyser, insiders, rapporter och Altia Oyj Pörssitiedote 18.12.2020 klo 14:00 Altia Oyj: Arvopaperimarkkinalain 9 luvun 5 pykälän mukainen ilmoitus Altia Oyj on vastaanottanut 18.12.2020 seuraavan arvopaperimarkkinalain ("AML") 9 luvun 5 pykälän mukaisen ilmoituksen omistusjärjestelystä, jonka seurauksena Valtion kehitysyhtiö Vake Oy:n omistusosuus alittaa ja Suomen valtion omistusosuus ylittää Altia Oyj Yrityksen Altia Oyj (1505555-7) liikevaihto oli 208,7 miljoonaa euroa 2019 ja työllisti 427 henkilöä. Liikevaihto nousi 1,7 %. Liiketoiminnan voitto oli 13 miljoonaa euroa ja liikevoittoprosentti oli 5,7 %.
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Altia has production plants in Koskenkorva and Rajamäki in Finland and in Tabasalu in Estonia. Company profile for Altia Oyj including key executives, insider trading, ownership, revenue and average growth rates. View detailed ALTIA.FI description & address. Altia is a leading Nordic alcoholic beverage brand company operating in the wine and spirits markets in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Altia’s net sales in 2020 were EUR 342.4 million and the company employs about 650 professionals.
Taking a look at the our data on the ownership groups (below), it's seems that institutional investors have bought into the company. · The shareholders of Arcus will receive 0.4618 new shares in Altia for each share in Arcus owned by them, resulting in an aggregate ownership in the Combined Company following completion of the combination of 53.5% for Altia shareholders and 46.5% for Arcus shareholders. - Altia Oyj, Finnair Oyj, Kuntarahoitus Oyj, Nordic Morning Group Oyj, Suomen Erillisverkot Oy, Suomen Siemenperunakeskus Oy. Ms Ira Lehmuskoski, Administrative Assistant tel. +358 295 160 157. Ms Sinikka Mustakari, Ministerial Adviser tel. +358 295 160 159 - Fortum Oyj, Gasonia Oy, Gasum Oy, Governia Oy, Suomen Erillisverkot Oy, VR-Yhtymä Oy
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With a 37% ownership, the general public have some degree of sway over Altia Oyj. While this size of ownership may not be enough to sway a policy decision in their favour, they can still make a collective impact on company policies. Next Steps: It's always worth thinking about the different groups who own shares in a company.
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Altia Plc Stock Exchange Release 27 March 2018 at 3:30 pm (EET). Altia Oyj - Managers' Transactions.
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Liikevaihto laski 5,4 %.